Three Things Thursday is a weekly email where I share three things for the week, including behind-the-scenes details, inspirational thoughts and motivation, and all the latest tutorials, tips and exclusive deals. I hope you’ll join me!

Angela from Hello, Quilting! with a stack of quilts.

Your weekly emails will include:

  • Three things you can do, learn, see, discover or experience each week.

  • Access to my FREE notebook of printable art, sewing patterns and project checklists. (See examples of what’s available!)

  • Inspirational articles and motivation for your journey toward a simple creative life.

  • Behind-the-scenes details of my personal journey as a creative entrepreneur and minimalism wannabe.

  • Announcements of new posts and tutorials on the website

  • Early access to free email courses and other new offerings

  • EXCLUSIVE access to apply for a Dear Angela home or garden consultation (not available elsewhere).

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